Oasis Family Dental Centre in Nicaragua!
Saturday Feb. 20, 2016
That’s a wrap folks. After two brigades and about one-thousand patients, the Oasis team has come home safe and sound. What a blast it was!

Nicole (left), Tracy, Carlye, and Dr. Sonu readying to board a plane From Managwa to Puerto Cabeza. (Feb. 14, 2016)
Monday, Feb. 15, 2016.
The Oasis team of Nicole, Tracy, Carlye and Dr. Sonu was part of a crew of nearly thirty who helped scores of patients, young and old, at Puerto Cabeza’s University today. Everyone did great!

Sonu (left), Heather, Crystal, Estie, Nancy, and Sheena, on the beach outside Suyapa Beach Hotel a few days after the last brigade clinic.
Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016
Almost 500 patients later, Heather, Crystal, Estie, Nancy, and Sheena headed home today. The dedication, stamina and caring they showed during the five clinics in the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve were marvelous. Thank you, wonderful people of the villages of San Andres, Pankawas and Yakalpanani, for hosting us so graciously!
Carlye, Tracy and Nicole arrive tonight for another week of clinics with Dr. Sharma. They’re off to Puerto Cabezas tomorrow.
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016
We’re just finishing a week working along the Rio Coco river, treating hundreds of local patients. Almost all of them were critical cases. Everything is going well, though toilets that only flush with buckets of water, oppressive heat and humidity, little Internet connectivity, and stomach problems are presenting challenges for some. “I’m not good at the jungle,” says Estie.
Click here for another recent update
From left, Crystal, Nancy, Sonu, Heather, Sheena and Este in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua.
Click here for the latest update …
Members of the Oasis and TLC Family Dental Centre are in Nicaragua on a dental-care brigade. They’re going deep into the jungles of the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve January 31, where, as part of a larger group of volunteers working with the organization Change for Children, they will care for the teeth of indigenous Nicaraguans, some of whom have never received dental care. Dental care is one of the most critical needs in the region.