Same Day Appointments
Emergencies happen, Oasis Family Dental is here to help.
When you experience trauma to the tooth, severe dental pain, or possible infection please call our office at 780-986-0016 and our administrative team will do their best to fit you into the schedule.
What to Expect During Your Emergency Visit
When you call to schedule an emergency visit, you will be originally scheduled in for an exam with either Dr. Chong, Dr. Lee, or Dr. Syed to assess the situation that is occurring. As we do try to fit in emergency visits as soon as possible, we may not have same day treatment available – however being seen right away allows us to ensure we have gone over all possible treatment options, and that our team is scheduling for the right amount of time to ensure you get the proper care you deserve. During the emergency exam, our dental team will take x-ray images to look at what the tooth of concern, and the dentist will go over the results along with all possible treatment options. After the best treatment option has been decided, our front administrative team will send a pre-authorization into insurance to help you go over costs and schedule you back for the treatment appointment.
Although same day treatment is not guaranteed as each unique case will vary in length of time to restore the area of concern, if time permits, our team will try their best to ensure you are walking out of our office with a healthy smile again.